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After going through these many old camping pictures, I think what struck me the most was how many females went camping in those days. I mean, women in two's or more, without men. Maybe it was the fact that they could get out of the housework for a weekend or so or, possibly, get the hell away from the men for awhile.

Camping back then was great. No cell phones ringing constantly, no kids laying around the campsite playing video games or with ear buds stuck in their ears. They were off getting splinters, posion ivy and a fractured ankle from falling down an embankment. How fun was that?

You could go off on a journey through the forest with your brother and be gone all day. When you returned finally to the campsite, you would see the trailer bouncing and you'd wonder what the heck was going on. When you questioned your parents later in the evening about it, they would explain simply that they had been in there doing their pushups and staying in shape.

Animals were always fun to take along. Your dog, Jasper would run after everything. He would be gone for hours and when he came back, your dad noticed that the dog had been in a losing battle with a skunk. Believe me, the old trick of bathing in tomato juice to get rid of the smell did not work like everyone said. So, Jasper would ride home in the trailer and not the car.

You kids had fun skipping stones across the river. It was more fun, however, to push your little brother into the river. Then you told your mother that you were trying to skip Timmy on the water but it hadn't worked. More fun was had by throwing a stick at you sister and screaming, "SNAKE! SNAKE!" She wet her pants and dad saw to it that that you would be eatting standing up that evening.

But sleeping on the ground was the best. Telling little Timmy that there might be a huge cobra in his sleeping bag was funny. Then you woke during the night to see a bear rumaging through a box of cookies at the footend of your sleeping bag and you screamed like a little girl and wet the bed. So Timmy would have the last laugh.

Yeah, camping was great back then. Looking at these pictures, I hope they may bring back some good memories of your camping trips when you were young. Unless you were Timmy.

Good Times on the Road!

Good Times on the Road!
Having a Wonderful Vacation. Glad your not here! 1969.



This is how you go camping for $1.7-million.

During the Coronavirus, There's no better way of recreation than a camping trip. Even in your own backyard.